Patios and Deck Cleaning Newhaven
Patios and Deck Cleaning in Newhaven by Total Clean Exteriors
Did you know people have been living in Newhaven for thousands of years. Artifacts found on Castle Hill include Stone Age flints, pottery from the Neolithic age and items from the Bronze and Iron Age eras. During the Roman occupation, it is thought that there was a Roman Villa here and that possibly Ermin Street, the Roman road, began in Newhaven.
Total Clean Exteriors have been softwashing in Newhaven and its neighbouring areas of Brighton, Plumpton, Seaford and Lewes for over 30 years. We are happy to have customers in both a commercial and residential setting, who recommend us which keeps our business growing. Some companies we have completed contracts for include Natwest, Moshimo, The Old Thistle Hotel and Subway, NHS, Nuffield hospitals
As we are sure you know, high pressure washing can damage surfaces, and that is why softwashing is so highly requested in Newhaven. Our softwashing technique cleans the surfaces with eco-friendly products that remove the root cause of dirt, and then lightly wash it away without causing any damage.
Softwashing is just one of the services we offer, we also do deck washing, gutter clearing, graffiti removal, render cleaning, cladding cleaning, building wash downs and all other types of exterior cleaning in Sussex and the surrounding counties.
We are on Check-a-trade where we have a 9.4 out of 10 rating, please click the logo below to see our reviews.
All of our work is fully insured by gleaming insurance, our staff are all trained in COSHH and chemical-specific manual handling and we only use top of the range equipment.

Please call us for a free quote today on 01273 770000 or email [email protected]